Art Book audio-visuel inspired by Tibet Museum in Gruyeres
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This audio-visual book project is the result of a wish to fuse various art forms : photography, music and poetry. These arts are infused with Buddhist teachings, or more concretely with the sacred art of Tibet collected by the Bordier Foundation in Gruy?res.
The Tibetan Museum is located at the heart of Europe and at the heart of Switzerland. However this beautiful location isn?t really known on the global Boudhist stage.
Thanks to its innovative design, this book promotes the museum, and merges Tibetan art with the art of poetry and the art of occidental music. Through a thoughtful layout mixing texts and photography, we can perceive a different facet of Boudhism, in an interesting way for our societies deemed more modern.
In certain aspects such as the use of English, the visual highlighting of Tibetan sacred objects, and the integration of meditative tunes outside of traditional chanting, we think we can reach an international audience. What?s more, this project is an opportunity to promote the collection presented at the Museum at the same time.
We offer to publish several poems in English by David Walters, spiritual guide, writer, therapeutist and conference interpreter for English, French and Russian. All the writings of this disciple of Osho and Taisen Deshimatu are permeated by the Dharma.
In addition, this book is illustrated by photographer David Sypniewski. Polish artist, young talent in the field of multimedia, his path features many publications as well as art performances throughout Europe.
Last, this audio-visual book serves as a support to meditation and will contain classical piano music interpreted by Magdalena Hirsz, pianist of multiple origins.
The choice of music is based on rythmic and melodic lines used in ostiato or leitmotiv, a calm and peaceful pace, and an easy tempo condusive to meditation.
This project not only strings together various art forms, but also people who chose the way of the Buddha as their philosophy. In this way, we hope to strengthen the links between Orient and Occident.